Foundations and Beyond
– the Clinical Research Journey
(incorporating ICH GCP and SA GCP guidelines)
Ever dreamed of starting a career in clinical research? Or maybe you are already working in the industry but still struggling to understand the bigger picture and how all elements, timelines, and stakeholders of a trial fit together?
Start today and kickstart your career in clinical research with our Foundations and Beyond – the Clinical Research Journey course.
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Who should attend this course?
Our comprehensive Foundations and Beyond – the Clinical Research Journey online course has the following features:
Incorporates the full ICH GCP and SA GCP guidelines Certificate that is valid for 3 years
100% online
Developed by industry for industry
Learn through storytelling and simulation of a mock Phase III trial
Self-paced modules
Rich and immersive learning content – videos, animation and interviews
Shareable certificate on completion of an online assessment
Interactive quizzes and real-life scenarios
Internationally quality assured by IAOCR, accredited by ACCRE
Bonus features: ICH GCP E6 certification and separate SA GCP certification